In tune with your cycle.

In tune with your cycle.

Dreams become reality. Eat choco!ate. Everyday. Without feeling guilty.

Fall in love with our 4 unique flavours.

Moonchy Bars M!lk Orange Goji

Meet Moonchy Bars


Meet Moonchy Bars 〰️

Moonchy Bars White Hazelnut Nougat

Choc bars with seeds and superfoods designed to support your body’s natural balance.

Moonchy Bars M!lk Orange Goji

No added sugar, only natural, organic, vegan, and ethically sourced ingredients.

Moonchy Bars Dark M!lk Hazelnut

High in fibre, rich in magnesium, source of iron, zinc, selenium and omega-3.

Plastic free, home compostable packaging + CleanHub supporter to prevent ocean plastic.

Moonchy seed cycling

In tune with your cycle

Moonchy Bars are based on a seed cycling practice – a daily routine of eating certain seeds’ combinations at different phases of your cycle to assist your body in restoring and maintaining its inner natural rhythm. 

Pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, chia and flax seeds are real nutritional powerhouse foods, full of macro and micronutrients known for their health and beauty benefits.

Moonchy Bars also contain superfoods with adaptogenic properties such as maca and ashwagandha, which help the body maintain hormonal balance and better cope with stress, pressure and anxiety.

moonchy bars more regular menstrual cycles


moonchy bars reduced mood swings


moonchy bars stabilised appetite


moonchy bars minimised painful cramps


moonchy bars improved skin health


moonchy bars restored digestive system


moonchy bars less menstrual migraines


moonchy bars better sleep quality


moonchy bars enhanced fertility


Nowadays, the highly stressful pace of life separates us from nature and brings our bodies into imbalance. Slow down and celebrate your cycle every day.

Hello, World!

Bye bye ocean plastic.

For generations, it has been believed that the menstrual cycle is somehow connected to the moon cycle. The Moon in Moonchy symbolises the natural power that a woman has when she is truly connected to her inner hormonal rhythm.

We care about our beautiful Mother Nature just as much as we care about the women’s health. Rainwater, wind and floods carry plastic waste from the land into the oceans. We partnered with CleanHub to collect plastic waste before it can enter the most precious ecosystem on earth.

Moonchy is part of a large community of conscious brands that fund the recovery of plastic. Our mutual mission is to prevent 50% of new ocean plastic by 2030.

We have committed to stop 500 kg of non recyclable plastic from entering our oceans this year. The entire process is tracked through CleanHub’s own Track and Trace technology, ensuring certified impact. You can follow our journey here.

Moonchy Bars Dark M!lk Hazelnut

Plastic Free Packaging


Plastic Free Packaging 〰️

Taking responsibility for the environment is not a trend. It just has to be a part of our lives. 

We are committed to ensuring 100% organic, vegan, and ethically sourced ingredients for our bars. 

Our beautiful Mother Nature has seen enough plastic trash!

The packaging of the bars as well as all the materials we use for shipping are completely plastic-free. Our packaging consists of 2 layers: FSC certified cardboard box and NatureFlex™ home-compostable foil. You can bury the foil and it will naturally decompose in the soil.

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